Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It Would Appear That I'm Bringing Sexy Back. (Yeah.)

OK, big news time.

(And might I just disclaim the weirdness of the fact that I am voluntarily choosing not to disclose this information to people who know me in real life and don't read my crappy blog?)

News the First. I haven't been able to talk about this for a while and I really still can't say much, but I have been approached about doing some actual, serious, professional writing. It all stemmed from someone reading this very awful blog, telling a friend who told a friend who told a friend who told a columnist. We are still working out the kinks but that is what has kept me from posting, they asked me to give it a rest until a decision was made. Aaaaaaaanyway. I've been writing like a fiend (like with a pen and paper - I know, it's crazy), and hopefully very soon I will have something to show for it. Once again, I would just like to say that I am regularly astounded by the number of people who read this thing. I started it a really long time ago to just keep in touch with friends and now it's a scary but cuddly and benevolent monster. I am eternally grateful for every single person who clicks on here every day and worries when I am gone. (Don't call the cops!) You are all wonderful, and I will of course keep you abreast of any cool new things that are on the horizon that you all might be able to partake in. Thanks for your patience as usual.

News the Second. I am single. For the first time in a very long time. Most of you will not be shocked by this news as you probably thought I always was - my personal life only makes cameos on this thing. It's literally been a coupla years for me and I kind of don't know what to do with myself... But I think maybe documenting it will be an interesting experience for all of us. How about THAT?!?

News the Third. I haven't been completely lazy in the interim. I have a few entries that have been brewing in the wings for quite some time now, and I will be posting them in all their verbose glory very very soon. I hope you will be pleased with me.

So, that's the haps...... Yaaaaaaay and it's good to be back! Love you all.
I thought you all might enjoy a picture of my chubby double chin on this Tuesday afternoon.
Chulo asked me to say hi to everyone.